Portfolio Requirements

As promised here are the requirements for your final portfolio

Part One: One folder with a 100dpi at 5×7″ 1mb file size jpeg image of EVERYTHING you did in class, homework, in class work and your finals. These should be professional looking with a neutral background or cropped in close.

Part Two: A PDF with individual pages including the images above and a description, assignment, size and medium. I suggest creating a Powerpoint or other presentation program and saving it as a PDF. This should also be professional looking  (think of it as the document you would send to a gallery). The maximum size of this file should be 5mb.

All of this should be turned in on a CD or flashdrive (I may not be able to get them back to you, certainly not before the holiday).

All of this is due on the last day of class, December 1, 2016.


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